Participants and method:
For the
user test four children participated: an 11 year old girl, a 13 year old girl, a
14 year old boy and a boy of which the age is unknown. The children were asked
to choose out of 26 pictures, four pictures they felt attracted to and four
pictures which were less attractive. Explanation was given by all chosen
For the
results, gender and age are not that relevant in contrast to the reason why. Both
boys and girls will interact with the LUMO, so the overall appearance should
fit the target group.
To get a
clear overview of all chosen pictures a collage is made; a dislike and a like
collage. When scanning over the collages, no clear difference can be seen. Both
collages show a combination of colorful products and minimalistic products.
However some children mentioned that they liked rhythm and patterns and disliked
the product which had no surprising effect. It was not the white and wooden
color of the product they disliked, but more the shape in combination with the
colors. “It looks boring”: girl 11 years old. Many of the ‘like’ products also have an extraordinary
shape; it is funny, uses rhythm or has surprising colors.
Soft fabrics
were surprisingly not chosen as a ‘like’ product: “I do not like the combination
of materials and it is to dark”. This statement states, that color is very
important, to be liked or not. Some other children also mentioned that the dark
colors were not that nice and when looking at the collages many children choose
the colorful pictures. Some of them choose the colorful pictures unintentionally,
but some of them did mention that they liked the bright colors.
Design LUMO
of colors [lights]
of rhythm and patterns [touch sensors]
shapes or no boring shapes [overall extreme curved shape]